Combating Climate Change &
Provision Environmental

We involves the management of a broad rang of natural resources within a forested area.

Role of Forests

As per study conducted by ENFO (Bangkok) a mature tree provides products and services of about $3700 US  per year which are:

  • Production of 4.6 ton oxygen
  • Absorption of 6.3 ton carbon dioxide
  • Production of 55 kg organic matter
  • Absorption of 30,000 litres water
  • Production of 40 kg micro organisms
  • Production of 40 kg useful algae and fungi
  • Production of 19 kg useful insects
  • Maintenance of environmental balance and filteration of dust particles, bad smell etc.

Forest Products

Forests are source of timber, fuelwood, medicinal plants, grasses, wildlife, etc. Besides these products forests provide services like recreation, regulation of water flow, improvement of environment and keep weather pleasant. About 60% of the state income is also generated through forests produce.


Forests provide protection to human against winds, severe temperatures, landslides, and flood. Forest also protect the ground from erosion. For strategic purpose forests provide camouflage.


Forests are natural factories which convert carbon dioxide gas into oxygen. It is the basis for existence of life on the planet. Reduction in carbon dioxide reduces the green house effect also. Forests provide shelter for wildlife, regulate water flow, reduce erosion, and provide clean water for fish culture. and source of biodiversity.


The calm and quite environment of forests with clean and fresh air and water is always a place of attraction for tourists, naturalists. The lush green mountains are attractions for the trekker.
Ch Muhammad Akmal Sargala


Imtiaz Ahmed


Sardar Muhammad Naseer

Chief Conservator (principal)

Syed Gul Hussain Shah


Land Utilization

1 %
total land mass


Combating Climate Change and Provision of environmental and other services
In addition to timber, forests provide such resources as grazing land for animals, wildlife habitat, water resources and recreation areas.


Scientific and sustainable management of resource and effective watershed management to serve for reduction in sedimentation amelioration of environmental services, biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation