Sub Alpine Forests And Alpine Scrubs
1. Sub-Alpine Forests
Altitudinal Range
10500-12000 ft. (3180-3635m)
Stunted deciduous or evergreen forest usually in close formation with or without conifers. This type occurs in Bagh, Poonch and Muzaffarabad areas beyond timber limit (above 10500 ft. approx).
Rain Fall.
60 inches (1525mm) and above – (More than 60% as snow)
Common Species
Birch (Betulautilis) with or without an upper storey of Fir (Abiespindrow), Kail (Pinuswallichiana), singly or in groups with other trees and shrubs like Willows (Salix spp), Guch (Vibernumspp),Simrang (Rhodendronspp), and Phut (Loniceraspp).
2. Alpine Scrubs and Pastures
Altitudinal Range
11500 ft. (3485m) and above
This type includes shrub formation 2 to 6 ft. tall, above the Sub-Alpine Forests
Rain Fall.
60 inches (1525mm) and above – (More than 60% as snow)
Common Species
The general species are:-Simrang (Rhododendron spp), Willow (Salix spp), Phut (Loniceraspp) characterised by their prostrating form due to remaining burried under heavy snow.