Granted Concessions

The rural population residing around the forests depends heavily upon the forests throughout their life time. The protection and conservation of forests is also possible only with the cooperation of these people.


Their cooperation is in form of kelp in extinguishing forest fire, provision of information and assistance in detection of culprits and witness in courts, etc.


They also participate actively in protection and development of forests through Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Rural Forest Protection Committees (RFPCs). In return to such assistance they enjoy following concessions.

Source-Jammu & Kashmir Forest Regulation of 1930.

Free grazing and grass cutting from the forest areas those closed for regeneration under closure rules.

Tree at concession and zamindari rates to the local residents and free of cost for construction of mosques, except Deodar

Removal of dead and fallen trees free of cost, except deodar.

Removal of torchwood, dead, dry and fallen trees not fit for building purposes.

lopping of some broad-leaved trees for folder and branch cutting for agricultural implements.

Removal of minor forest produce except those for which contacts has been granted by forest department is allowed free to zamindars.